Dry Figs


• Fine Handpicked
• Organic in Nature
• Sun-Dried
• Improves Digestive Wellness
• Rich Source of Vitamins
• Source of Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, Copper, and Potassium
• Helps Lower Blood Pressure
• 400 Grams Pack (Net)

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Health Benefits and Nutritional Information of Anjeer / Dry Figs

• Dry fig is rich in nutrients like magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper and calcium.
• They are also quite high in antioxidants.
• Since dried figs are also a good source of fiber, they are quite helpful in weight management.
• Eating dry figs daily is extremely good for your digestion and will boost your digestive health.
If you suffer from issues like constipation or indigestion, dry figs are one of the best things
that you can have.
• Being a very good source of potassium, eating anjeer also helps in lowering blood pressure.
For those suffering from high BP, adding anjeer to diet can be quite beneficial.
• This dry fruit is also very good for your heart health as it helps the heart in multiple ways by
lowering the triglycerides, lowering blood pressure and keeping heart diseases away.
• Also, a good source of calcium, dried figs are known to promote bone health.
• Dry figs also help boost reproductive health and are known to prevent hormonal imbalances.
• What’s more, dried figs are actually amazing for diabetics as well as eating them helps balance
blood sugar levels.

How to eat Anjeer / Dry Figs?

Dry figs are very easy to incorporate in the diet. Having just 1 or 2 of these daily is sufficient. Just soak
anjeer overnight in either a little milk or water and have it in the morning. This is the best way to have
them after you buy your figs online.

Otherwise, after you buy anjeer online, you can also consume it in other ways. Cut it in small pieces
and add them over your cereals. You can also add dry figs to various desserts or just have one anjeer
post your meals to satisfy your sweet tooth. Health Benefits and Nutritional Information of Anjeer /
Dry Figs.


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